Time | Event |
08:30 — 09:00 | Registration, TUtheSky |
09:00 — 09:15 | Opening |
09:15 — 09:35 | Martin Balko, Petr Hliněný, Tomáš Masařík, Joachim Orthaber, Birgit Vogtenhuber, and Mirko H. Wagner. On the Uncrossed Number of Graphs [Slides] [T1] |
09:35 — 09:55 | Aaron Büngener and Michael Kaufmann. Improving the Crossing Lemma by Characterizing Dense 2-Planar and 3-Planar Graphs [Slides] [T1] |
09:55 — 10:15 | Aaron Büngener and Maximilian Pfister. On the Edge Density of Bipartite 3-Planar and Bipartite Gap-Planar Graphs [Slides] [T1] |
10:15 — 10:30 | Panna Gehér and Géza Tóth. 1-Planar Unit Distance Graphs [Slides] [S] |
10:30 — 11:00 | Coffee Break, TUtheSky |
11:00 — 11:20 | Daniel Archambault, Giuseppe Liotta, Martin Nöllenburg, Tommaso Piselli, Alessandra Tappini, and Markus Wallinger. Bundling-Aware Graph Drawing [Slides] [T2] |
11:20 — 11:40 | Amyra Meidiana, Seok-Hee Hong, and Yongcheng Jing. Connectivity-Faithful Graph Drawing [Slides] [T2] |
11:40 — 12:00 | Gavin J. Mooney, Helen C. Purchase, Michael Wybrow, Stephen G. Kobourov, and Jacob Miller. The Perception of Stress in Graph Drawings [Slides] [T2] |
12:00 — 12:20 | Alexander Dobler, Michael Jünger, Paul J. Jünger, Julian Meffert, Petra Mutzel, and Martin Nöllenburg. Revisiting ILP Models for Exact Crossing Minimization in Storyline Drawings [Slides] [T2] |
12:20 — 14:00 | Lunch, Mensa "Freihaus" |
14:00 — 14:20 | Thomas Depian, Simon D. Fink, Robert Ganian, and Martin Nöllenburg. The Parameterized Complexity of Extending Stack Layouts [Slides] [T1] |
14:20 — 14:40 | Miriam Münch and Ignaz Rutter. Parameterized Algorithms for Beyond Planar Crossing Numbers [Slides] [T1] |
14:40 — 14:55 | Julia Katheder, Philipp Kindermann, Fabian Klute, Irene Parada, and Ignaz Rutter. On k-Plane Insertion into Plane Drawings [Slides] [S] |
15:15 — 16:15 |
Poster Session & Software Exhibition, TUtheSky & Room BA 10A
Exhibited Posters:
- Joshua Geis and Johannes Zink. From Planar via Outerplanar to Outerpath — Engineering NP-hardness Constructions [Poster]
- Robert Ganian, Martin Nöllenburg, and Sebastian Röder. Minimizing Switches in Cased Graph Drawings [Poster]
- Markus Chimani, Lea Kröger, Juliane Liedtke, Jonah Mevert, Maor Shani, and Maarten van Zalk. Graph-Drawing Supported Identification of Influential Students at Schools
- Martin Nöllenburg, Sebastian Röder, and Markus Wallinger. GdMetriX — A NetworkX Extension For Graph Drawing Metrics [Poster]
- Nikolaus-Mathias Herl and Velitchko Filipov. AdMaTilE: Visualizing Event-Based Adjacency Matrices in a Multiple-Coordinated-Views System [Poster]
- Maarten Löffler. Strict Upward Planar Grid Drawings of Binary Trees with Minimal Area [Poster]
- Sören Domrös and Reinhard von Hanxleden. Determining Sugiyama Topology with Model Order [Poster]
- Seok-Hee Hong, Giuseppe Liotta, Fabrizio Montecchiani, Martin Nöllenburg and Tommaso Piselli.
Introducing Fairness in Graph Visualization [Poster]
- Simon D. Fink, Matthias Pfretzschner, Ignaz Rutter, and Peter Stumpf. Level Planarity Is More Difficult Than We Thought [Poster]
- Jakob Baumann, Ignaz Rutter, and Dirk Sudholt. Evolutionary Algorithms for One-Sided Bipartite Crossing Minimisation [Poster]
- Alvin Chiu, Ahmed Eldawy, and Michael T. Goodrich. Polygonally Anchored Graph Drawing [Poster]
- Stephane Durocher, Myroslav Kryven, and Maarten Löffler. String Graph with Cop Number 4 [Poster]
- Oriol Solé Pi. Approximating the Crossing Number of Dense Graphs
Exhibited Software:
- Please refer to the information on the Software Exhibition.
15:15 — 16:15 | Coffee Break, TUtheSky |
16:15 — 16:20 | Introduction to best papers |
16:20 — 16:40 | Michael Kaufmann, Boris Klemz, Kristin Knorr, Meghana M Reddy, Felix Schröder, and Torsten Ueckerdt. The Density Formula: One Lemma to Bound Them All [Slides] [T1] |
16:40 — 17:00 | Henry Förster, Felix Klesen, Tim Dwyer, Peter Eades, Seok-Hee Hong, Stephen G. Kobourov, Giuseppe Liotta, Kazuo Misue, Fabrizio Montecchiani, Alexander Pastukhov, and Falk Schreiber. GraphTrials: Visual Proofs of Graph Properties [Slides] [T2] |
17:00 — 18:30 | GD Live Challenge (Lecture Hall GM3) & Continued Software Exhibition (Room BA 10A) |