[04.11.2024] The official LIPIcs proceedings are now available.

[28.10.2024] Video recordings of the PhD school and invited speakers are available on YouTube.

[17.09.2024] The LIPIcs pre-proceedings and the booklet are now available online.

[10.09.2024] The webpage has been extended by a detailed program, information for speakers, list of exhibited software, and practical information for your stay in Vienna (including a weather forecast).

[02.09.2024] The list of accepted posters is now available.

[25.07.2024] The registration is now open.

[24.07.2024] The list of accepted papers and a preliminary program schedule is now available.

[31.05.2024] Information on the registration has been added to the webpage.

[29.05.2024] Information on the venue, travel and accommodation, and the associated PhD school has been added to the webpage.

[26.02.2024] The webpage has been updated with CfP.